We currently have partnerships with The Endamagha Public Primary School and The Yaeda Chini Public Primary School. These two schools are the main public schools where Hadza children currently attend. We at Meleka help support the approximately 2000 students (Hadza and non-Hadza) at both schools and hope to expand our assistance.
Girls Health AT Endamagha and Yaeda Chini Public Schools
Menstruation is often stigmatized and misunderstood, with girls feeling shame and embarrassment when their period comes around. This is usually a matter dealt with in secret as Menstrual Health Education at public schools in Tanzania is very low - the subject is rarely talked about with students. This can affect a girl’s self-esteem, desire to go to classes or even stay in school, and ability to participate in extracurricular activities. At public school, access to feminine hygiene products is limited (due to lack of funding) and girls sometimes have to fend for themselves. Poor menstrual hygiene can put girls at risk for dangerous health and reproductive complications.
We are on a mission to empower girls by normalizing and creating positivity around women’s health and improving access to menstrual products. We have donated a year’s worth of various feminine hygiene products, including underwear, to both schools. Meleka team members, led by Regina Safari of the Hadza tribe, spent a day at the school educating children about menstrual health and proper care, answering questions, and encouraging students not to feel shame around it.
We have also set up a safe and secure area where girls can freely receive pads, and a place to dispose of them in a hygienic manner. Our next goal is to work on a more biodegradable system as we continue to support the girls of both schools.
We believe that all students deserve to have a beautiful, clean, and safe learning environment in order to be successful. We continue to support both public schools with improving classrooms and common spaces - whether that’s painting walls, doors, and windows, or helping purchase finishing materials for a restroom complex.